
Overnight Open Thread

bullskin3/10/2009 3:03:24 pm PDT

re: #1220 Salamantis

Downdinged because you claimed that evolution had some weak points, but did not provide any empirical evidence credibly demonstrating such points, only some ramblingly unfounded conjectures and speculations, distastefully leavened yet again with the same old ad ignorantium greek logical fallacy.

Well, I doubt you could find an evidence of the botanic family which lead to the specie provided. I just saw this case in the Natural Science Museum as a curious mishap in the Evolution Theory, which being a theory is not a dogma. Darwin didn’t explain how the Prokaryote cell evolves to the Eukaryote cell, how the nucleus sets itself, detaches from the cytoplasm among other differences. This theory do not explain how the process of organization of complex cells brings itself the result of living beings with self conscience. If this was a dogma, we wouldn’t be seeking life in other worlds right know.