
Video: Reinstated Bishop a Holocaust Denier - Update: Also a Truther

Janjan1/26/2009 6:33:23 am PST

Someone else may have mentioned this already, but you are allowed to be a complete sh*the*d and still receive communion in the Catholic Church. This guy is not a real bishop, he has no authority, but he is a regular old sinning Catholic like the rest of us.

Hatred is not an excommunicable (it’s all about communion, see?) offense. Would that it were, but it isn’t.

Look I think this guy is an a**hole, and I am a Jewish Catholic, so he really ticks me off, but lets keep this in perspective. The Pope isn’t saying this guy is “in a position of trust” as one of the commenters said. If he wants to put on his pretty dress and spout crap that’s his business, but that is not what this is about.