
The Suit to Get Michael Brown's Juvenile Records Collapses, but Jim Hoft Just Keeps Lying

Lidane9/03/2014 1:05:25 pm PDT


Boykin: Obama Can’t Handle Foreign Policy Because He’s Surrounded By Experts On Marxism, Gay Rights, And Climate Change

On yesterday’s edition of “Washington Watch,” Family Research Council president Tony Perkins interviewed FRC’s Executive Vice President Jerry Boykin about the Obama administration’s response to Islamic radicals in the Middle East, in particular the takeover of the residential annex to the U.S. embassy in Libya by militia forces, which Boykin declared was essentially an “invasion” of the United States.

“By international law, that is sovereign American soil,” Boykin said. “We’ve been invaded, Tony, but you won’t hear that out of this president or this media.”

Boykin went on to assert that this incident demonstrates that nobody in the Obama administration knows anything about foreign policy because Obama has only surrounded himself with people who are experts on Marxism, gay rights, and climate change.