
Hilarious Video Remix: Sassy Trump on His Dinner With Comey

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam5/14/2017 7:30:32 am PDT

re: #122 451_Montag

It may just be as simple as the GOP was on board with it, but it wasn’t a price Romney was willing to pay. I always thought Foment was an asshole, but I never thought he was anything more than a old-fashioned Right Wing asshole.

We’re getting into CT here, but from my perspective the guarded silence most of the GOP have maintained about Trump and the Russian stuff smells funny. We know the Russians hacked the GOP computers, but haven’t released any of what they found (if they were successful) — at least yet. So, maybe they’ve got dirt on the GOP leadership, and the GOPpers are running scared.

It might explain why the GOP seems absolutely allergic to the idea of an independent investigation.