
Just Another Insanely Great Orchestral Jam at Some Guy's House: Louis Cole, "F It Up"

ckkatz11/01/2018 1:32:12 am PDT

Well, it was a good night for trick-or-treaters at Casa Katz. I gave away 35 full size KitKat bars. The remaining one was my dinner.

And in honor of Dia de Los Muertos

Here is a nicely filmed version of the song La Llarona. Not impressed with the singing, though. For the singing I prefer Tish Hinojosa’s version

(Warning, it is not gruesome or even explicit, but it is dealing with death. And with the underlying pre-Columbian and Catholic cultural context.)

Angela Aguilar - La Llorona - Video Oficial

Angela Aguilar - La Llorona - Video Oficial

More on the song

More on Dia de Los Muertos:

Another Tish Hinojosa song I really like is her version of
Malaguena Salerosa (Enchanting Woman from Malaga)