
The Bob Cesca Podcast: With Me There's No Lying

Sherlock Hound1/23/2020 10:14:20 pm PST

It isn’t only Donald Trump. Disabled Twitter has seen some VERY toxic shit in the past few weeks (thread).

Background: Two different disabled women had trouble with their rideshare service.
One of the women needed to have her food delivered to her door. The driver refused.
The other woman was using Uber. She had a wheelchair and a service dog.
(In one instance, a disabled rider with a chair and service dog had their ride terminated, and they ended up stranded. Uber drivers can end the trip for numerous reasons. But Uber is required BY LAW to transport disabled riders, chairs, service animals, or not.)

It has gotten U G L Y for the disabled community for quite some time.
Another fine example:

And these people are the “good progressives”!