
Stephen Colbert Does a Show in His Bathing Suit [VIDEO]

BigPapa3/17/2020 12:03:40 pm PDT

re: #110 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Social distancing is to delay the peak of those who are infected.

You will still get the virus.

I had ‘The Talk’ with the Wife Unit last night and literally saw/felt Normalcy Bias in my own mind. I pushed her to think about what we would do if I got symptoms: lock me in bedroom and have her sleep with mom? I saw/felt her getting uncomfortable as only a married couple together for 20 years can do. I felt like changing the subject because I felt her discomfort and wanted to protect her. But I pressed on: we need to think of this now so when it happens we move to protocol; it will probably happen sooner than we think; how long to maintain protocol? We should have two/three weeks of supplies so we don’t go out and spread, how will we deal with that?

I feel better now, but it was tough. Plus mom made some Filipino food and that sorta busted us out of the worried mindset.