
From Paradise: John Cruz, "Hawaiian Heart"

Nerdy Fish6/21/2023 4:29:44 am PDT

re: #118 Dangerman (sighā€¦only in America)

How about donā€™t ban books just because you donā€™t like them

Itā€™s not just not liking them. They genuinely feel it is their moral imperative to keep anything they view as ā€œimmoralā€ out of the hands of all kids - not just their own. They canā€™t understand why people are upset about them trying to do good things ā€œfor the children.ā€ They just want kids to be raised with the Truth.

Hereā€™s the thing: As a liberal Christian, I understand the desire for kids to know about Christianity and why I feel it is The Way. The thing is, I donā€™t want to force it on them. The message of Christianity is one of choice; if you donā€™t choose to serve God willingly, then the whole thing is pointless. Itā€™s entirely up to kids and their own parents what they can or canā€™t read, what they do or donā€™t believe. If my religion fails to make a persuasive case, well, that sounds like a me problem.