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Joe Bacon ✅10/05/2023 1:20:06 pm PDT

Christian hate-preacher Steven Anderson has an even more hateful son

Isaac Anderson’s Twitter posts tell a very troubling story

Christian hate-preacher Steven Anderson has a long history of saying vile things. He has celebrated the deaths of murdered LGBTQ people and called on the government to execute gay people with a firing squad. Anderson’s sermons have been so outrageously awful that 34 countries won’t allow him to step foot within their borders. In 2020, the Tempe, Arizona-based preacher began spreading misinformation about COVID, even urging his congregation (and YouTube viewers) to avoid any eventual vaccines.

Oh. And one of his kids is a full-blown Nazi.

Last week, in a now-deleted post on X/Twitter, Isaac Anderson posted an image of his new tattoo: a Nazi War Eagle across his chest with his birthdate (in Roman numerals) right above it.

If he were just some MAGA cultist or online troll attempting to trigger liberals, that’s one thing. Getting a tattoo like this ratchets it to another level. Isaac is the second oldest of the Andersons’ 12 children and, like his siblings, he was home-schooled by his mother, as she documented for years on her website. It’s not clear how or when he decided to go this far down the rabbit hole.

Even though he took down that particular post, several other tweets (that still remain up) clarify his allegiance:

Taking a page from his father’s book, Isaac has also justified mass murder by pointing to the Bible, saying the book “not only condones but it commands genocide against certain groups.”

It doesn’t end there. You may recall how, a couple of weeks ago, Anthony Rota, the speaker of Canada’s House of Commons, invited a 98-year-old World War II soldier to attend a speech from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. That person was introduced as a war hero who fought for the First Ukrainian Division and given a standing ovation. It was soon discovered, though, that the soldier in question fought for the Nazis. Rota resigned shortly thereafter, having brought utter shame to the Canadian Parliament.

Isaac Anderson, however, celebrated the standing ovation.

He also wants everyone to know he’s racist as hell.

I was genuinely curious what Steven Anderson made of all this. He says a lot of vile stuff, but as far as I can tell, he’s never openly celebrated Nazis. That said, he’s certainly crossed the line in that direction. In 2015, he released a video called Marching to Zion that echoed many of Isaac’s current views. Here’s how the Anti-Defamation League described that movie and his preaching at the time:

In addition to arguing that it would be impossible for the Nazis to have cremated a million Jews at Auschwitz, Anderson claims that the slave laborers there got compensated for their work and could buy items at a commissary. He further asserts that Jews were able to play on a soccer team and act in musicals and plays at Auschwitz.

The film, released in March 2015, refers to Judaism as the “synagogue of Satan” and claims that Jews are followers of the Antichrist. [Anderson] also asserts that Jews who deny that Jesus is the Messiah would lie about the Holocaust. He argues, “Why would it surprise you that the people who deny the Christ, who deny that Jesus is the messiah, would lie to you about something else?”

Anderson warns that the “real Holocaust” for the Jews will occur if they don’t accept Jesus as the Messiah. He says, “The real burnt offering is going to be when all of these Jews that don’t believe in Jesus Christ go to hell for eternity. That’s the oven that they ought to be worried about.”