
Iowahawk: Time To Deal With the Mutineers Aboard the S.S. Conservatism

ciaospirit3/07/2009 10:05:06 am PST

Russia’s response to the Hillary “reset” button? Russia will be making the rules.

GENEVA (Reuters) – Russia called on Saturday for a successor agreement with the United States to replace the START-1 strategic nuclear arms reduction pact, saying this was a priority in ‘resetting’ their relations as Washington has urged.

Lavrov, speaking at the disarmament conference, quoted President Dmitry Medvedev as saying a new agreement should limit not only nuclear warheads “but also strategic delivery vehicles, i.e. intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and heavy bombers.”

The Bush administration, which tried unsuccessfully to reach a compromise deal with the Russians on a START-1 successor, said curbs should be on nuclear warheads only.

Outlaw ballistic missiles and only outlaws will have missiles. But Hillary would rather be loved.