
Chinese Ships Harass US Navy Vessel

Ayatollah Ghilmeini3/09/2009 11:30:01 am PDT

From some of my pre-election commentaries

In the face of perilous times and tremendous difficulties, America is faced with a stark and real choice: between my proven record of leadership and accountability in public office against a man with no record of ever delivering anything and no proven ability except to make friends with people most Americans would have nothing to do with.

Rather than just learn our lessons and do what we normally do, dust ourselves off and move on, fixing what needs fixing, for the first time in our history, we are considering a radical overhaul of what it means to be America. We are preparing to take liberty itself and redefine it, appointing leaders who who will monitor everything we do and force us to measure up to THEIR standards, not ours.

Before we go down the road to European socialism, perhaps we should ask if European socialism works. In modern Europe, the residents do not reproduce, birthrates are at a rate for significant population decline. European socialism deprives people of their desire to work for themselves and create something of value to pass on to another generation. Forty years ago, there were several taxpayers per dependent recipient, today there are almost as many recipients as dependents. Eurosocialism talks about sustainability but has none itself.

1. The Economy- The future of America is fixing our energy dependence problem and preserving the engine of wealth and job creation in America- small businesses. Obama’s plans will ruin small business and growth in our economy for years to come. McCain will cut government and taxes- the two things proven to create growth and jobs. Obama will grow the recession by increased taxes and spending. He will NOT end our energy independence unless some genius in Silicon Valley really can make microbes in mass quantities that make oil. Nukes and drilling will die the second Obama is in office.

2. The global crisis- Joe Biden spoke great truth yesterday. Obama would be tested in his first days in office. He will face a challenge from some malign person or groups and he will fail. Like all socialists, he is a weakling and a quitter who will not fight for freedom. Whether Putin starts crushing the Chechens, Latvians or Ingush, Iranian mideast mayhem or Kenyan pogroms against the enemies of the Luo tribe, or all together to just overwhelm tyro in his first days, assume the worst and Obama will not disappoint. Remember, enemies of America are praying for his victory because they know he will allow them to run wild and bring a quick end to the era of the indispensable nation.

3. Corruption and Ethics- Acorn is Obama and Obama is Acorn. From bogus registrations to oddly denominated contributions that smack of foreign denominated origin, add in Rezko and our Barry is Chicago ethics writ large. Do we really want a man who proudly funds the people seeking to undermine the sacred ballot box? Do we want a many who lies about his association with an apologetic terrorist? Do we want a man whose word is worthless? He made a promise to the McCain campaign and then broke it.

4. The War- Iraq may be ramping down but Afghanistan is ramping up and war with Iran over its nukes is a distinct possibility. Given his woeful ignorance of what is really happening in the world, his comments about how small a threat Iran is the case in point. Bill Clinton was more prepared to lead the US military than Obama; Billy was simply awful his first two years, but lucky, his years of learning were at a time when he had the luxury of time to learn without any real challenges.

Oh yeah, I called it.