
Shocka! Obama's Gaffes Noticed by Mainstream Media

Afrocity3/30/2009 7:40:29 pm PDT

re: #107 Bobblehead

I find this MSM criticism of Obama’s gaffes curiously condescending and maybe just a tad racist. Like they’re saying to him ” How about some better brain-mouth coordination. You know, we’ve had your back for you since the beginning and you don’t want to go and spoil everything ,would you? Besides it might make us look bad too.”

I don’t see it as racist. Hell the MSM was calling anyone racist that said Obama had a bad hair day. Shit, I was even called a racist on the Jake Tapper blog and banned from posting. Obama is inexperienced and it shows. It may be that some in the mSM have a few brain cells that were not effected my Kool Aid addiction and every now and then they come to life.