
Slideshow: April 15, 2010 Tea Party

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/15/2010 4:08:50 pm PDT

Teenage boys and cellphones - a disaster waiting to happen:

4 Calif. boys cited for alleged ‘sexting’

Four 15-year-old California boys have been cited for allegedly “sexting” nude and seminude photos of eight girls ages 14-15, authorities say.

San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputies said Wednesday the Yucaipa High School teens, whose names were withheld because they are minors, had posted the photos to’s social networking message board, The (Riverside, Calif.) Press-Enterprise reports.

The newspaper said the citations were for sexually exploiting a minor, which can result in felony charges, and misdemeanor possession of harmful matter of someone under 18. County prosecutors were expected to determine whether criminal charges should be brought.

A sheriff’s spokeswoman said school administrators came upon the photos on the Internet while investigating a fight.

Clark Marrow, the sheriff’s crime prevention program coordinator, told the Press-Enterprise the girls had been exchanging photos among themselves before sending the pictures to one of the boys.

“We haven’t seen one case with this many people involved before,” Marrow said. “That’s what makes this one stand out.”

The county prosecuted nine “sexting” cases last year, the newspaper said. A sheriff’s department school resource officers report names “sexting” the top problem in San Bernardino County schools, Marrow said.