
CNN's Dana Loesch Defends Pat Buchanan Against Evil Liberal Censorship

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/18/2012 8:20:23 pm PST

Back to the Borlaug thing…

One of the trendy movements of the day are the local “farmers’ markets”. I shop at one myself for fresh fruit once a week.

However, there is a problem that is now arising (at least in San Diego): there aren’t enough farmers to meet the increasing number over “markets”.

I asked one fruit grower - he says the water prices are one of the reasons.

I suspect that another is simply that the suburbanization of so much farmland has simply done in too many growers. During the last 4 decades, all around San Diego county, thousands and thousands of acres have been paved over and turned into suburbs.

It’s so typical (of humans): not being able to connect cause and effect. Take away farm land, take away food production.