
Monday Night Jam: The Knife - a Tooth for an Eye

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/18/2013 10:19:21 pm PDT

What Rinsed Prius won’t face - the GOP is now the party of anti-modernity.

However, at the grass roots it becomes evident, especially as grasses root into asphalt:

Disappointed GOP didn’t back N.H. road improvements

I was disappointed to read (N.H. Roll Call, Sunday, March 10, 2013) that my state representative, Pamela Tucker, voted against the Gas Tax & Road Improvements legislation in the N.H. House.

After rereading the article, I became doubly disappointed to see that all of the region’s Republican representatives save one voted against the legislation. With the serious deterioration of the state’s roads and bridges, New Hampshire can no longer claim to be a pro-business state. Our highways are the lifeblood of the state’s economy getting workers to and from their jobs as well as providing the means of freight movement. […] it is essential to have good roads.

When I was growing up, the Republican Party was noted as being the “party of business” and stood for enhancing its growth. Now I call on the Republican Party, particularly those in the N.H. Senate, to stop being the “party of no,” the party of reaction, etc., and get with the program to pass the long-overdue gas tax increase for improving our highway system.

Leonard M. Schwab


Reactionary atavism is not governance, and that becomes evident quickly in the real world.

Maybe the Rinsed one ought to own up to that.