
Overnight Open Thread

Achilles Tang3/10/2009 5:32:32 pm PDT

re: #1219 happycamper

Where in any of my posts did I say or think you’re going to hell? You made my point for me why it isn’t fun here anymore? And what gave you the impression I want or deserve your respect? You must be really fun around the dinner table, because you’re a hoot on this thread.

You said you share this rapture thing. I don’t, which logically means I am condemned to hell or something similar.

You complained of criticisms regarding that form of belief. That suggests that you think it deserves respect and by association, yourself.

Fell free to correct if I misunderstand.

As to the dinner table. This place is not a dinner table and I was brought up to believe that at dinner one does not talk politics, religion or sex, but if that were the case on LGF, I would not be here.