
Overnight Open Thread

realwest2/16/2009 9:23:29 am PST

re: #1208 Nevergiveup
You are not the only one out here who believes that.
As far as talk radio goes, they are clearly after Rush but won’t get him cause he’s waaay too popular, but how do they get around “fairness” where Radio America is concerned? And as for TV, pfffft - they’d have to actually ADD some conservative talk shows or regular guests on the shows currently on air.
And there’s no way to control the internet without spending gazillions of dollars. But if they do try, who are the top three blogs (by terms of readership)?
Huffpoo, Kos and DU - what are they gonna make them let Charles make guest diaries or something?
And when SCOTUS decided the only Fairness Doctrine Case I’m aware of, there were only 3 national air waves for TV stations, few FM stations, and there was no internet. And the FCC ITSELF decided some time ago (maybe 25 or so years ago) that the Fairness Doctrine was inherently unconstitutional - notwithstanding SCOTUS - and dropped it of it’s own volition.
Fuck ‘em.