
Overnight Open Thread

Achilles Tang3/10/2009 7:17:35 pm PDT

re: #1234 avspatti

Actually, I wasn’t thinking of you but of a relative who had some very disheartening experiences in church as she was growing up. I have to say that Christians are the ones who are being attacked in many places today such as in high school and higher ed. classrooms as well as in the public square. I don’t mean to be rude, but it seems to me that being anti-semitic is the kiss of death (rightly so); being anti-Christian is just fine.

You seem to be addressing two different issues here. The first sounds like stuff that happened in the Catholic church; but I’m guessing. The second sounds much like anecdotal stories of discrimination of the majority by the minority.

Without specifics I can’t comment on what you mean, but I’m going to guess that mean things like posting the 10 commandments in places where they don’t belong due to the fact that we are a secular, multicultural, multi religion society.

Here at LGF there has been much discussion and attack on efforts to impose one religious belief (not one religion) upon everyone, and to do so by deceptive means. Some choose to call that attack on religion and then they have a meltdown and go somewhere else to condemn LGF and it’s members to hell.

As to anti semitic, I think you can be quite sure that if Jews behaved like ID/Creationists, they would be treated exactly the same. For some reason though, they haven’t done so yet.

You however, have a sensible style about you. I hope you will visit more often, and grow a thicker skin. :=)