
Wikileaks Store Snowden T-Shirt Designer Sells Dartboard w/Bullseye on Obama's Forehead

Dark_Falcon8/16/2013 5:28:45 am PDT

re: #123 Justanotherhuman

the “Civil Liberties Left” is not as you described—left. The ACLU itself routinely defends those who engage in hate speech. Many “Civil libertarians” want no restrictions whatsoever on “civil rights”, even criminal activity, such as Snowald engaged in. That isn’t the “left” that I’m a part of, because we understand our responsibilities to others as well as our own rights—there is a balance for most people.

And on your second point, grifters gonna grift, even on the skirt tails of someone else’s ideas.

I’d like to call your attention to the bolded section, because I am going to bring it up the next time someone here tries to associate me with some Dominionist lunatic.