
Another View of Saturn's Surprisingly Hexagonal North Pole

Justanotherhuman1/16/2014 5:40:54 am PST

re: #121 ObserverArt

I caught a bit about it this morning and when they said bipartisan and then gave the synopsis it really did seem like it was two different viewpoints and not a joint report. But then, can there be a true joint cooperation in anything Washington these days? Even the media tends to be one or the other if only to jump to one side to get the maximum titillation to drive hits or purchased.

Well, it’s pretty easy to second guess behind a desk. And this event, while tragic, happened in a true hot spot, not the US. And this committee appears to have leaned heavily on the position of the CIA in Libya at the time. Were those concerns laid out explicitly to the State Dept in detail?

Where was the Senate Intel Comm after 9/11 and why wasn’t a full report made of the events leading up to 9/11 which Bush and his minions ignored? What that led to was not a real investigation, but The Patriot Act, Homeland Security, the TSA, and so forth.

It was, iirc, pretty well known around the intel community, from the myriad reports I’ve read, that Al Qaeda was planning a major event that would cost the US many lives for maximum effect, i.e., flying planes into bldgs, for example. Plenty was written about that, also, including Richard Clarke’s book, which I have and his revelations about the Bush WH reactions to 9/11, such as “Mistakes were made”. The CIA figured prominently in screwing up intel during that period, or at least, in the way they chose to present it to the WH, and the WH’s disregard for it.