
Reports: Harris Thought Adopted Daughters Were Possessed by Demons

BlueGrl213/11/2015 1:42:32 pm PDT

Man, this one gets to me.

Abused, traumatized children are not toys. They need routine, consistent love AND discipline, and so much stability. They have to be able to build trust that some people are safe. I am a Christian, but I tell ya, prayers are nice but they have nothing to do with parenting a traumatized child. You have to be stable and patient and loving and a teacher to those children of how to respond to the world.

There is no miraculous fairy tale. There is commitment to the long term, that no one is leaving the room.

Why these ridiculous, immature people were allowed to take these girls is beyond me. That’s my problem #1, they never should have been allowed to adopt these girls and I want to know why they were. I wouldn’t have allowed them to adopt a puppy. Problem #2 is why they were able to just give them away when the inevitable happened….they couldn’t take care of the girls.

It’s sickening all around. I’m afraid it will just get worse as more comes out. And my heart breaks for those little girls.