
Video: John Oliver Has a Better Book About a Cute Bunny for Mike Pence

KGxvi3/19/2018 1:26:40 pm PDT

re: #120 JordanRules

3 scenarios that make sense. If we throw in a war, do you think that changes things substantially?

Depends on where the war is, how it starts, and who the parties are.

Let’s say Putin decides to Make Russia Great Again and tries to invade the old Eastern Bloc, and Trump refuses to come to the aid of NATO allies? That’s probably an even worse case scenario, and I have no idea what happens.

Ditto if Trump unilaterally launches a war with North Korea, with or without ICBMs.

Or maybe he decides to declare Iran in violation of the nuclear deal and tries to launch a war there.

Things get incredibly complicated when there’s no telling how our allies would react. This wouldn’t be like the two wars in Iraq or in Afghanistan where we went about building coalitions. Trump would probably just go off half coked and there’s no telling how our allies would react.