
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Memorandum of Understanding

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)2/26/2019 6:47:22 pm PST

re: #122 Targetpractice

For the record, the previous administration spent years working with a multinational alliance to negotiate a binding agreement that has kept Iran from achieving nuclear capability despite the best efforts of the current shithead-in-chief.

By contrast, this moron spent the better part of his first year in office insulting North Korea, then the second year fellating the murderous dictator in charge, and still has nothing to show for it but empty promises and his own security experts saying that the “historic” summit last year was a total bust because North Korea continues to build a nuclear arsenal.

And then when we point it out, we get assholes like Greenwald crying about the Dems being hawkish. Well I’m fucking sorry but he is an enabler. And I have no problem attacking Trump from a hawkish position if it’s the correct position.