
Fantastic New Music and Video From GoGo Penguin: "Parasite"

ckkatz4/23/2023 3:27:01 pm PDT

From last thread. I actually had to look up the reference.

re: #239 William Lewis

One more from MicroSFF back in August 2021… :)

“These copper ingots,” the devil said, “are of sub-par quality.”
“You accepted them as payment,” the merchant said, “the deal is done.”
“Very well. I will uphold my end of the bargain,” the devil said. “Your name will live forever.”
“That is all I ask,” said Ea-nasir.

“… written c. 1750 BCE. [The tablet] is a complaint to a merchant named Ea-nāsir from a customer named Nanni. Written in Akkadian cuneiform, it is considered to be the oldest known written complaint.”


Also see -

Meet the Worst Businessman of the 18th Century BC