
Mainstreaming the Birthers

Gus12/14/2009 6:07:58 pm PST

Cumberland County Republicans

The Obama Administration’s Goals
Posted by Jim Sykes on March 29, 2009

During the campaign of 2008, we were told many stories about candidate Obama’s relationships with questionable individuals. None of these relationships were fully vetted by the mainstream media and we never really received the details. Candidate Obama never released his income tax returns, his medical records, his educational records and his birth certificate. His campaign has called our request for his birth certificate “garbage” but the simple fact remains that all he would have to do is release a copy of his “actual” birth certificate an all of the questions would go away. Instead, he has spent more than $800.000.00 on attorney’s fees to resist this simple action to settle this Constitutional question. WHY?? Does he have something to hide? My answer would be an absolute YES but his birth certificate is not the most important question that we have not been made aware of in his past…