
Boehner: GOP and Tea Partiers Believe the Same Things

webevintage2/04/2010 11:47:55 am PST

re: #115 jamesfirecat

I still think it’s a different kind of crazy town.

It seems to me that “Secession” is the Republican version of “Well then I’ll move to Canada!” Since there aren’t any more conservative industrial nations on earth for the angry Republicans to threaten to move to.

Tearing the country apart via a bloody civil war up against changing my citizenship…

I wonder how many of these folks who say they want Secession have actually thought what that would mean. They would not just be allowed to leave the US so that would lead to armed conflict in which they or their children will die. Those who are not involved in the fighting will probably be without much of the technology we take for granted, including TV since there is no broadcast by analog signal anymore. There will be breadlines and rationing and…well my question would be is that really what they want?