
Neo-Nazi Friends of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer Attack Police

jaunte8/28/2010 2:34:09 pm PDT

re: #115 Gus 802

Speaking of sticks. What was up with Beck and a couple of others that kept mentioning a stick during this “Restoring Honor” event?

Here’s Beck on ‘stick’ from an earlier speech:

I have a different relationship with the Lord, sometimes he just tolerates me. I think if I would have been standing there, I would have said exactly what Moses said: Who am I? Who am I to say these things? Why would they ever believe me? That’s when the Lord said, Take this. I would have responded, A stick? You give me stick? It wasn’t just a stick—it was a symbol of faith. First it changed into a snake, great, but as Moses understood, as Moses grew, that stick parted the waters. The Lord gives us all our own stick. He gives us every tool we need, and while we as humans may look at it and say, what am I going to do with a stick? He knows—trust in Him. The easy stuff is the answer. Right now you have the greatest minds all over the world trying to figure out what to do, what to do, what to do. Turn to God and live. I think of the advice that I could possibly give to you and first among is that—turn to God and live. You have all that you need; you are powerful. There is a reason for you being here—find it. Life is only what you make of it, nothing more, nothing less. You will be a slave or you will pick up your stick and chart a new course.