
Wired Journalists Say Chat Transcripts Contain 'Nothing Newsworthy'

Usually refered to as anyways12/30/2010 5:02:56 pm PST

re: #115 Aceofwhat?

sure. let’s keep it simple and start with something recent…#103 was incorrect insofar as it is a non-sequitur. it is wholly unrelated to my statement concerning, and the subject of the thread concerning Greenwald’s invective about Wired’s purposeful and extensive editing of the logs in order to distort what was revealed therein.

since i have found you to generally be an intelligent person, it is far more likely to me that you are attempting to defend Greenwald, as opposed to being unaware that your reply had absolutely nothing to do with my statement, or the thread.

To put more succinctly: “No I did not find anything untruthful about what you said.”

Yes. I agree with you.
So nothing