
Open Thread, w/ Message to Haters

BigPapa1/23/2011 11:36:41 am PST

re: #114 ClaudeMonet

No, but he promotes himself as an expert, and he certainly talks down—while making a boatload of money in the process. And I don’t think he has defeated the cause. He just hasn’t helped his own cause at times.

Making a boatload of money should be virtue, at least I thought it was to capitalists. I don’t see anything wrong with it in that sense. To make it a negative there has to be an implication that it’s done by nefarious means.

I fully hope to make a boatload of $ ‘doing something’ about AGW: installing energy monitoring systems and technologies. There is nothing wrong with making money fighting AGW, unless you’re Al Gore.

I rejected AGW for an extended period of time because of my distaste for Al Gore’s style and method, but is he to blame for my rejection of AGW, or me?