
Breitbart Editor Meredith Dake: A Note on Comments

teresa4/02/2012 8:05:52 pm PDT

re: #108 Charles Johnson

I am appalled, truly. But you are correct about this Charles, I am far from shocked, in fact it is the behavior I expect to see at those places. It is as though they are attempting to one up even themselves every single day. Too many places suffer from unconstrained trolls. Too many. I’ve been to the Breitbart sites a few times. It makes me curious, what makes these folks tick? What happened in their lives to make them so angry and unable to see they are their own problem, there is no real existential threat to their lives, they are their own threat. But they can never be completely understood, because they don’t understand themselves. And it seems in allowing them to write whatever they want, their anger only grows, sort of like the green orb of evil in Heavy Metal. Hatred only grows when it is constantly stoked and released. It’s a terrible cycle and it is hurting the country.
I guess that is why I have come to appreciate this place. I don’t participate frequently, but I was a lurker reader for more than a year, until I asked if I could join this year. It’s nice to be troll free!