
Romney Donor at Hamptons Fundraiser: 'I Don't Think the Common Person Is Getting It'

Amory Blaine7/09/2012 1:33:02 pm PDT
“It’s not helping the economy to pit the people who are the engine of the economy against the people who rely on that engine,” Michael Zambrelli said as the couple waited in their SUV for clearance into the Creeks shortly after the candidate’s motorcade flew by and entered the pine-tree lined estate. “He’s basically been biting the hand that fed him in ‘08. … I would bet 25% of the people here were supporters of Obama in ‘08. And they’re here now.”

I like how the pretenders imagine we would all roll over and die if the ruling class up and disappeared tomorrow. No, we will fill your spot before it even cools off. Such arrogance from the ruling class.