
Eric Holder: 'A Nation of Cowards'

_RememberTonyC2/18/2009 2:33:06 pm PST

re: #1233 The_Vig

Here is the thing. Every conversation about race leads to someone being branded a racist. If you have a race conversation that does not lead to the moniker of racist being tossed about, post it. In the discussion of your post someone will be accused of being a racist. It always happens.

Because of this it is obvious that since we cannot talk about race we should maybe move away from the concept of race. Luckily, the more we learn about humanity and our origins it becomes clearer and clearer that the whole notion is an illusion.

We just need to take the next step. Ridicule those that think that there is such a thing as race.

I don’t agree with you. Mature people need to be able to discuss controversial topics, including race. Martin Luther King, Jr talked about race and if he hadn’t, this country would be far worse off than it is. I am not afraid to be called names and I have discussed racial issues with Black friends and colleagues. The one caveat is that I never discuss race (in person) without knowing who I am discussing it with. Otherwise, there is a risk of being thought of as a racist (as you apparently consider me to be).