
Overnight Open Thread

avspatti3/11/2009 7:00:15 am PDT

re: #1244 Naso Tang

I am surprised that you don’t think that school is not the place to express religious beliefs and that people who try to do so are the ones likely being impolite rather than those who criticize them.

As to the power of grades, if you are thinking of creationists wanting “A”s in physics or biology or geology then they don’t deserve them. It is that simple.

Let them study astrology or dowsing if they want to excel.

Please see my comment just above. I am not at all referring to A’s in science (my son is a scientist) but rather grades in classes such as English lit, sociology, psychology, ed. classes etc. It is not about expressing religious beliefs. It is about expressing a personal world view. Non-Christians have a world view also and it is held as strongly as that of Christians. I don’t understand why everything seems to come back to creationism. There are plenty of moral issues to talk about that have nothing to do with creationism. There is more talk about that here than there is in any church I have attended. Most Christians are not sitting around thinking and talking constantly about creationism.