
Overnight Open Thread

avspatti3/11/2009 7:16:13 am PDT

From reading many of the comments above, it sounds like many people have a caricature in their minds of what a Christian is. As in most caricatures, there is a bit of truth there as there are some Christians who fit that mold. However, the vast majority do not. When I say that Christians are not free to state their beliefs, I am referring more to morality. Honestly, for me, discussion of creationism would be a side issue. Being able to discuss things such as pre-marital sex, foul language, relationships with others, non-governmental charitable work, film and other entertainment which debase women etc. Please at least consider that most of us are not raving maniacs! I, for one, enjoy such discussions and trying to understand why many people think as they do. Whether or not we agree, it is interesting, no?