
Overnight Open Thread

Bullskin3/11/2009 8:28:02 am PDT

re: #1228 Salamantis

I can not deny evolution, I find it consistent. I just say that it is a theory and as any scientific theory is subject of revision, and not a dogma. A dogmatic is what you wrongly guess I am

In the case of the Cycas Revoluta I’m not claiming that God came and put it in a Sunday afternoon. I say that there is no previous DNA, or specie which could have mutated to origin this new one, therefore the Evolution Theory just can not explain this. Panspermia could.

Note I’m not sustaining creationism, just I say that there are unexplained events that in future we might be able to explain, but now, we can’t

For example, crowds of scientists claimed there is a man made climate change, (previously called global warming), and few disagreed. I take the part of the few, because they claim that solar activity leads to cloud forming when sun radiation abates our magnetic field shielding the cosmic radiation which leads to nucleation of water drops. Hence, the clouds and not CO2 is responsible for the shielding of natural UV radiation received.
Lynn Margulis says that 99% of mutations are harmful for the organism, therefore these mutations at random can not be the motor of evolution. And she is opposed to the majority which grabbed her brilliant explanation of the prokaryote cell evolution.
Meanwhile for evolution, genome would be the director of the process and the organism just follows its dictation, she claims that organisms are the real actors of the process and the genome a registry filed and modified by them.

If we can not understand or perceive the concept of God in a rational form, you can not say in future this could be possible if it could. In any case, for Christians, faith is a magnificent shortcut.

BTW, in the Inquisition trials of today nobody has been burned. Those lucky unbelievers!.