
Glenn Beck: Interview With Atheist Tornado Survivor Was a Setup by "Forces of Spiritual Darkness"

EPR-radar5/23/2013 5:51:35 pm PDT

re: #115 GeneJockey

The thing about humans is that we seem to need to categorize things, so we draw dividing lines where none exist, in order to know what bin to put things in.

I used to define myself as agnostic, but more recently as atheist. My beliefs haven’t changed: I believe there is no god or gods. I see no evidence of any, nor any reason why one should exist. Still, I cannot absolutely rule out the possibility.

For years, I went with ‘agnostic’ because it was less confrontational. Lately, I’ve stopped giving a shit about confrontational. My friends and family know who I am and what I believe, no matter what I call it.

This is pretty much the way I went as well. Looking back, it really doesn’t seem that ‘agnostic’ makes much sense as a category. None of this stuff is knowable for any definition of knowledge that requires the ability to persuade others by reference to evidence, so from that POV, everyone’s agnostic.

That leaves believer and atheist as the only two games in town.