
Hilarious Short Film: Generic Presidential Campaign Ad

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)4/09/2016 4:37:32 pm PDT

This is a little dated, but I got there via a wingnut friend’s rant on Facebook about how they could no longer listen to Rush Limbaugh, because he’s so “in the tank for Trump.” So I go over the Red State, and there’s an entire movement to stop listening to Rush, because he’s plugging Trump so hard.

Which really connected some dots for me. The base, the people who are Trump fans, they are also the ones who are Limbaugh listeners. They’ve always wanted Rush as their president - a loud, obnoxious bully, who delights in hurting women, gays, black, Latinos, college-educated city-dwellers, etc. etc.

And in Trump, they have found their apotheosis. It’s Rush, with a combover.

As usual, the true mangoes were found in the comments section. You may want to use an incognito window to go there, and have cute&fluffy kittens nearby to snuggle with after a few minutes. The level of crazed victimhood derangement on display here is disturbing:

“Here’s my take on Rush’s stance vis a vie Trump: Rush has been kept out of the club. Rush has experienced first hand the jilting of liberals in NYC. He has been dragged out as a circus sideshow at parties. He has been attacked legally and politically. These stinking idiotic vindictive sadistic nose-in-the-air elitist boot-liking fruit sucking commie liberal jerk wagons have attempted to destroy Rush and salt the earth with his ashes. Can you blame the guy for wanting a bit of sweet revenge? Even, or especially if it comes at the hands of Trump? Rush wants heads to roll. He wants to hurt these people who have hurt him and others like him. He wants payback.”

Read into this what you will.