
Federal Judge: Confederate Emblem on Mississippi Flag Is "Anti-American"

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion4/13/2016 4:20:03 pm PDT

My changing opinion of Bernie Sanders since last summer:

Most of 2015: Maybe he’ll help pull the Overton Window back to the left and out of Far Wingnutistan.

Late 2015: I like much of what he’s saying. Things have gotten so bad that we need a little bit of Socialism sprinkled in there to save our system from collapse and/or revolution, like a New-New Deal. GOP and the Glibertarians have been yammering about trickle down for decades and it’s never worked as claimed. Far too many people have been bullshited into believing it too.

Going into Primary season: Hmmm. He doesn’t have any real plan to get anything done just a “how to pay for it plan” that seems way too optimistic and still is going to fuck everyone over a little. Also, how do you figure out the costs of something when you have no implementation details? His followers are fucking loonies too. Like Paulians.

Now: I wouldn’t vote for the guy for dog catcher. All my fears about where this could go have come true and worse. His supporters actually want the world to burn, so he can have his revolution, the very revolution we need to avoid by fixing some of the issues he’s brought up. He’s a bitter old asshole who’s using the DNC for all the advantages he can get but refuses to take on any of the responsibilities or disadvantages that come with it. He doesn’t truly understand the issues he claims to be an expert about. His presidency would be as giant of a mess as Trump’s would be.

He’s the left’s Donald Trump.