
Colbert: Trump Suddenly Remembers He Needs to Kill Healthcare for Millions of People [VIDEO]

KGxvi3/27/2019 4:00:31 pm PDT

re: #122 freetoken

I enjoy gambling, and made a run at playing poker full time a little more than a decade ago. I didn’t do it the smartest way (I quit a job I hated with no backup plan, hadn’t set up my finances/budget right, and basically just set “fuck it, let’s give it a try”), but did well enough to make it work for a few months. I’ve often thought about doing it again, but haven’t been a financial position to pull it off the right way.

But yeah, your take on gambling is mostly right - it’s entertainment, and if you’re not betting more than you can afford to lose (and/or don’t have an addiction), then just take it as entertainment.