
The Fearless Flyers: "Bank Account" (Ft. Louis Cole)

wrenchwench12/09/2023 9:21:34 am PST

My neighbor across the hall (who I wrote a comment about here) has a girlfriend. She was knocking on his door this morning, and got no response. She called his phone, and it was in there, not getting answered. So she knocked on my door to see if I could help. We talked about whether he was expecting her (yes), whether he usually forgets his phone (no), and where he usually goes in the morning. She asked me if I had a, I forget what she called it, but some kind of thing that would open the door, which I don’t. We talked about 911, and the recent visits by EMTs, and she said that yesterday he asked her, ‘Am I going to die?’ I suggested that she call dispatch, and tell them what she told me, and they could do something. She was hemming and hawing and not deciding. I said, ‘It looks like you can either call dispatch, or go look for him.’ She pondered where she would look, and she called the nearest Starbucks and asked whether Ron was there. No. Then she called a restaurant/bar/nightclub that I’ve never been in, asked whether Ron was there, and they said yes. Whew!

I was surprised they were open. but I’m not judging. I used to go to a pool hall for breakfast in Portland. It was across the street, fast, and cheap.