
The GOP and Creationism

june_july2/23/2009 9:35:22 am PST

As an outside (Canadian) supporter of conservative thinking, I have watched with dismay as the Republican party has become tarnished as the “anti-science” party in the course of trying to pander to the significant number of their supporters who are biblical in their thinking.

In the long run this kind of primitive thinking cannot be successful. Human progress will come through scientific advancement, not interpretation and reinterpretation of the bible and its tenets. Science has its perils and those who would misuse it, but can anyone seriously want to stop its progress? Yet, anyone who pays attention to current affairs will find that republicans and religious fundamentalists are widely seen as opposed to much of the research which has a potential to improve the human condition. It may not be entirely true or as simple as black and white, but those are certainly the optics.

We criticize the muslims for having a 7th century religion, but the Republican party is trying to use contortions of logical thinking to mollify people who genuinely believe that an anthropomorphic god created the earth several thousand years ago, and what’s worse this belief is entering the political agenda.

Again, I am an outside observer. I do not get to vote in US elections, so you all can tell me to STFU. But if the republican party becomes identified as an anti-progress bible thumping party, then it will have no future. Your elections are decided based on a swing vote of 10-20% of what are largely non-religious middle class voters who mostly are educated and self-sufficient. All other things being reasonably close to equal, they will vote against a party which accepts magical thinking it its platform.

If a third party is what is necessary to “exorcise” this problem, then perhaps Republicans who wish to form such a party should accept being in the woods for a decade or two in order to do so, because in the long run the demoncats will have a blank cheque against a party whose leaders largely live in the 18th century. Or, in the unlikely event that an anti-progress party comes to power again, it will be a long step forward towards destroying the greatest nation on Earth.