
Overnight Open Thread

Salamantis3/09/2009 11:52:39 pm PDT

re: #120 Tigger2005

When I see cars with the bumper sticker that says “In case of rapture, car will be unmanned” I have to wonder just how seriously these folks take their beliefs. Shouldn’t they give up driving, or ANYTHING that could put others in danger when they suddenly disappear? I guess they rationalize it by thinking death will be a mercy for the non-raptured and that everyone else is going to suffer and die in horrible ways anyway.

I don’t know about the “disappearing” thing either. The Bible says the believers will be “caught up in the air.” That suggests they’d be more like sucked out of the car window, as if by a tornado or a UFO. Would they lose their clothes in those circumstances?

I guess Oz must be Heaven, because when Dorothy got caught up into the air, that’s where SHE ended up.