
From Fish to Football

twincitiesgirl3/12/2009 7:03:27 pm PDT

re: #112 Naso Tang

As I said regarding bumper stickers, I can rephrase so that you might appreciate your thin skin a bit better; I don’t respect anyone that feels they have to wear their religion on their sleeve.

That applies, of course to those who go as far as wearing a uniform, be it FLDS, Muslim or whatever.

As to the mocking, what makes you think the people who post a fish on their cars are not saying something to those who don’t?

I always thought bumper stickers/decals/etc, were a bad idea. 1) Most of them are esthetically unpleasing. 2) Your driving is sure to annoy someone and thereby is counterproductive to whatever idea your sticker is promoting. (too many examples to mention)

My favorite bumper sticker is too vulgar to for me to use:
Unless You’re a Hemorrhoid, Stay Off My Ass!