
Sen. Cornyn: Limbaugh and Gingrich Comments 'Terrible'

Buck5/29/2009 10:35:28 am PDT

re: #64 lawhawk

By the way, her background story isn’t all that Obama wants people to think it is. Sure, she was born and grew up in the Bronx in a housing project, but her family moved to a middle class neighborhood, put her in private school and then sent her on to the Ivy League. It’s a heartwarming story, but her background is far more complex than her supporters want people to think. Her family did what it had to in order to make her life better, and she took advantage of those opportunities opened to her. And now she’s on the edge of a confirmation to the US Supreme Court.

Still a pretty good story. IMO, not as good as Alberto Gonzales, but still pretty good.