
Murderous Anti-Evolution Nigerian Islamists

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines7/29/2009 11:27:57 am PDT

I actually met the president of the International Flat Earth Society. His name, most interestingly, was Charles K. Johnson.
This happened while I was mayor of a certain little town in the California desert.
Mr. Johnson was out beating the bush looking for elected officials who were willing to support his contentions about the shape of the Earth. He had apparently started with the mayors of LA and San Francisco and eventually worked his way down to me. He claimed that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other Founding Fathers had actually been flat earthers and that the usual conspiracy had covered this up over the intervening centuries.
He was a very pleasant man, and completely sincere. I gave him a cup of coffee and listened politely for a minute then told him I would have to take it up with our legal staff. Actually, we did not have a legal staff. In fact, we were blessed not to have a single lawyer residing in the whole community. We took what legal business we had to an attorney in the local metropolis, which had 5000 people and several lawyers.