
Poll: Should Reuters/AP Let Readers Know When Photos Come from Questionable Sources?

brownbagj6/11/2010 5:36:58 pm PDT

re: #109 windsagio

Seriously, this is silly.

The meme seems to be “I don’t agree with what they did, so they must be evil people.”

They could be foolish, mistaken, stupid, whatever. I’d put good money down that most of the European/American peace activists really don’t hate Jews.

I disagree with Lakers fans. I disagree with liberals on economics. That does not make me morally superior or make the ones I disagree with evil.

If by being a Laker fan that also meant they wanted to destroy the country of Israel, then yeah, I would consider them evil and myself on the higher moral ground.

This is not a simple disagreement on something ordinary.