
An Attack on the Existence of Labor Unions

reidr2/19/2011 11:34:50 am PST

re: #97 Talking Point Detective

I have to run, and I’m wondering if you can actually answer this question - so I’ll ask it again:

You give one example of a union theoretically voting against the interests of the membership (an example where, unless you can actually show that the union membership disagreed with the leadership’s position, your conclusion is speculative), and then assert that it happens “often.”

How do you back up your qualifier of “often?”

This seems to be a common technique (not to pick on cineaste). The right feeds the outrage against an organization based on a few isolated incidents. I don’t know all that much about Planned Parenthood, but I’ve been reading on the blogs and hearing on shows how they’ve been involved in sex rings and other craziness. I have to believe it isn’t widespread, but I guess the whole thing needs to be canned. See also ACORN!!1