
NBC/WSJ Poll: Obama Leads Romney With African American Voters, 94% to ZERO

CuriousLurker8/23/2012 3:52:29 pm PDT

OT - Poor, poor, brother Akin. How can the GOP be so cruel as to crucify such a godly, moral man (yes, he actually uses the word crucify):

Huckabee Backs Akin, Slams GOP’s ‘Systematic Attack’ On Fellow Republican

While Republican Rep. Todd Akin‘s recent controversy left him largely abandoned by his party and high-profile conservatives (e.g., Sean Hannity), he still has a friend in Mike Huckabee. In an email sent to his supporters Thursday afternoon, Huckabee criticized the GOP’s “carefully orchestrated and systematic attack on a fellow Republican.”

Calling Akin a “friend,” Huckabee said he will join Akin in his “fight for our Party’s pro-life policies, traditional marriage and our efforts to rein in the massive expansion of government under President Obama.”

Huckabee’s email below: …

When you read the email at the source, note how heavy it is with religious words like crucify, sacred, sacrificial, pilgrim, scourged, etc.

There are also many references to war, violence and death: political battlefield; wounded and bleeding; a casualty of his self-inflicted, but not intentional wound; end the political life; crucify; push him off the plank; the demand for Akin’s head; army of people; the genius…who thought it wise to not only shoot our wounded, but run over him with tanks and trucks and then feed his body to the liberal wolves; etc.

The whole thing is really creepy.

I found this sentence strange:

There is a vast, but mostly quiet army of people who have an innate sense of fairness and don’t like to see a fellow political pilgrim bullied.

Army? Political pilgrim? Odd turn of phrase. Must be some sort of fundie dog whistle. The man is a venomous snake. Anyone who buys the kindly, aw-shucks “Uncle Huck” routine needs to pay way more attention to what he actually says.