
Overnight Open Thread

Haverwilde3/11/2009 8:06:58 pm PDT

re: #1235 happycamper

In a previous post you said there is nothing ‘Christian’ in a worldview that believes in the rapture. I beg to differ. Most Christians that read their Bibles probably hold this belief, and I posted the Bible verses that we base that belief on.

Okay, I didn’t see the bible verses you mentioned. But I assume one of them is Matthew Chapter 24. I found that chapter curious in seminary. First you could construe it as a metaphor, or as a description of ‘the rapture.’ But as a description you have to look past a couple of glaring problems. First the ‘stars will fall.’ (I can’t quite get my mind around that one.) Second: “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” Taken literally that would mean ‘the rapture’ took place 1900 years ago.
I have no problem with Christians wanting a ‘Rapture’ or even believing that one is coming, but to say that most Christians believe it, that I doubt. Most Catholics don’t. None of my Baptist Congregation believed in its literal truth.
And eveb putting all that aside, it is Falwell’s ‘damn-the-passenger-in-the-car’ attitude that for me is antithetical to a Christian position.’