
Freak-Out of the Day

Banner9/03/2009 10:34:17 pm PDT

Considering Obama’s track record, the kind of person he is, the kinds of things he professes, and the kind of people he associates with, you think there is no reason for people to be worried or upset? These kids are a captive audience, if they cut school they’re breaking the law (truency, remember?). And the teachers union is one of Obama’s biggest supporters, so if he starts getting into area’s he shouldn’t, do you really think they’ll pull the plug? No, they’ll just back him all the way.

It’s creepy, it’s improper. And politically it’s been handled really stupidly. With all of the attention, I am sure the original planned speech has by now been modified, but it is still just a bad idea. This guy’s record with education is pretty dismal after all.